Sunday, November 16, 2008

Fall into place

Well Im usual for something to fall into place.
My friend told me a couple of months ago that we are definately going to Europe in March. The 9th-22nd to be exact. And I am super excited. I have my passport etc. She said that 1/2 of my trip fare is taken care of...That still leaves about $2500 I need to come up with. Might as well be a million. So I finally decided. Ok. Im a big girl. I am just going to have to get a pt job to supplement my income so I have money for the trip. I finally got a nibble and landed a job working pt at walmart. I worked 5 days and thought I was going to die of intense leg pain everyday. Working my FT job from 0900-1730 and then working at wally world from 1800-2300. I cant do it. I had to call and quit today. I still cant walk comfortably. I fell so terrible. I dont know what to do. Lonnie keeps saying...dont worry, if God wants you to go then you will be able to go. I also know that Lonnie doesnt want me to go at all.
I just hope that something happens where I can go. I want to go so much. It isnt just a want. It feels like a need. Like there is something there I have been looking for my whole life and I need to go see it. I cant explain it...We will see what happens