Monday, November 22, 2010

Adjusting moi!

My life has been one "adjustment" after the other. Familial relationships, career decisions, education, hair styles, addresses, and now weight loss. Im on the second "adjustment" and I think Im starting to get it. Does that make sense?
I know I have to eat smarter, move more and take it day by day. It will be an ongoing day to day sometimes minute by minute struggle. But Im starting to make lasting strides. I am down 23 pounds since October. I think that is pretty good.
I took the day off of work today because my newest blessing of a grandson is still in the hospital and I wanted to spend time visiting him. Things are so confusing. I wish I could have things differently than they are. But thats what I need to realize. I can only control what I am in control of. ME. My life isnt a Currier and Ives painting. Everything isnt a bowl of cherries. But it is my life and I can just roll with the punches. That is the hard part for me. I have always been a dreamer. I have wanted things to be the way they are in my dreams. But they will probably just be that. My dreams. My reality is I am a mom, wife and grandmother and everything isnt picture perfect.
But it is mine.My life.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Trois bebe's

On Saturday, November 20, 2010 God Blessed me with my third grandson. I wish I could tell you his name but as of today (11/22/10) they havent decided. He has had three names. He was born at 3:17am on 11/20/10 and was 6 pounds 3ounces and 19 inches long. So now I am surrounded by lovely boys. This newest blessing has jaundice and is now in the Nursey under the special lamps trying to get his bilirubin down. He was born three weeks early. Shay had a pretty simple delivery. Baby three is very calm and quiet. He hardly cries.
Im thankful for my grandsons. They are all a blessing to my life.