Sunday, March 21, 2010

The reason.....
I have many reasons to be thankful, to get out of bed in the morning, to smile, to breathe. One of the greatest is this little guy right here. Najee is my 16 month old grandson. Im a member of the young grammys club. At 40 I am allready embracing the joys of being a grandparent. But his amazing smile that shine all the way through his eyes gets me going. Keeps me going. There is an amazing love you get to have for the child of your child. I never imagined that I could love someone as much as the fruit of my womb. But amazingly enough it is even more so. Its more so in a different way. When I look at Najee I see deep into his heart and I think he can see mine. Its like we allready have a bond that is unbreakable and inexplainable. I remember the love I had for my grandma and grandpa Townsend. They were definately more like parents to me than grandparents. And the love I had for them was coupled with the knowledge that I knew they loved me unconditionally.
Najee and I spend almost every weekend together. We learn from each other and it is beautiful to me. I enjoy watching him explore and try new things. I like to take him to the museum, the park and we love to read together.
Najee is the reason, most days, I smile. He is just plainly my reason. I love him with all of my heart, he makes life so much more special. I thank God for this great big blessing that is the little person.